20th Anniversary Celebration | May 17th 2024 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Dear Guests, It is our pleasure to inform you we are celebrating 20 years at Eagle Creek Golf Club. You are invited and we would love you to join us and participate in one of our celebratory events on May 17, 2024. Golf Event / Unveiling Brand New Course Features Be the first to play. 4:30 PM And/Or Celebration Event at The Belfry Join us for food, fun, and laughter where we will be launching new incentives and ideas to celebrate our 20th Anniversary. 6:30 PM We hope you and a guest of your choice will join us and continue to be part of Eagle Creek Golf Club’s legacy. Guest 1 *FirstLastGuest 2 *FirstLastEmail Guest 1 *Email Guest 2Golf Event *Yes, 1 personYes, 2 peopleNoGolf Event / Unveiling Brand New Course Features Be the first to play. 4:30 PMCelebration in The Belfry *Yes, 1 personYes, 2 peopleNoCelebration Event at The Belfry | 6:30 PM Join us for food, fun, and laughter where we will be launching new incentives and ideas to celebrate our 20th Anniversary.We are excited for you to be part of Eagle Creek Golf Club’s legacy. Anything else we should know?Submit