We look forward to welcoming kids and parents to Eagle Creek Golf Club for our 2024 Summer camps. Please read the information below to ensure that your child has the best experience possible, and camps run smoothly!
- DROP OFF – Please drop off kids at the front entrance to Eagle Creek GC, not the driving range parking lot as per previous camps. Our staff will be on hand to help place golf clubs on a cart while we check participants in at the registration desk in the lobby. This is also an opportunity to help kids select lunch options.
- PICK UP – Kids to be collected from the front entrance as above. Parents are welcome to park cars at front entrance if they wish to arrive slightly early to attend the presentation.
- LUNCH – There will be 4 lunch options available each day, plus the option to bring a packed lunch. Make lunch selection upon arrival at the registration desk. Once the registration time is over, kids will be unable to change their minds.
- PRESENTATION – Will take place on the Friday of each camp at 11.45 for Half Day camps and 1.45 for Full Day Campers. Family members are encouraged to attend with complimentary refreshments available.
- WHAT TO BRING – It is critical that children arrive at camp with an empty water bottle, which we will refill regularly throughout the day. Please also ensure that children have clothing for all weather conditions. During the week we may also ask children to bring a fun item such as a watermelon for one of the skills challenges. More information on this will be communicated during the camp. Please ensure that lunch boxes and other items have name tags.
- GOLF CLUBS – We can provide Golf clubs for use during summer camp, for children who do not currently own a set. Our coaches are qualified club fitters & would be happy to make recommendations on golf club purchases, it is essential that junior golfers have the correct equipment to maximize fun and learning, so please speak to our team before buying golf equipment.
- WEATHER – Our coaching team are prepared with a number of golf skills challenges & games that can be completed indoors, to keep the campers entertained should rain/storms be present. In the event of lightening campers will head inside immediately. Heat and exhaustion will be dealt with immediately as appropriate.
Please email any questions to:
Liam Sullivan or Adam Andrews
Director of Coaching / Head Golf Professional
Lsullivan@eaglecreekorlando.com / aandrews@eaglecreekorlando.com